The Password

The Password

We acknowledge the theme of this of this story has been expressed in many forms. The difference here, is the subject matter is your password. Something so unique that only you know what it is. There are several billion unique passwords in existence today, and you are the creator of several! You are such a Picasso!

You come home from a day at the office (or store) and realize you don’t have your wallet. You quickly recall leaving it on your desk when you needed to enter a credit card for an order. You just want to be sure that you left it there, so you turn on your laptop to access the camera system and are asked for your password. “Huh?” You scratch your head and try to recall the unique phrase you selected for remote access. With each entry comes the warning “incorrect password.” You recall having written it on a “password sheet” which you keep in your desk drawer. You reach inside your drawer and “ouch!” you just cut your finger on a box cutter you also keep in the drawer and the blade was not retracted. The slice is deep and bleeding is steady despite the pressure you have begun to apply. After a few minutes you capitulate, and decide it will be best to visit the ER. As you get in your car you realize all your ID’s are in your wallet which is at the office. You now have to drive to the office with tissues wrapped around your finger to get your wallet so you can go to the ER. Naturally, you are “stepping on the pedal” to make up time when a patrol car pulls behind you signaling to pull over!

There you are, on the side of the road, with no driver’s license, no proof of insurance, about to get a speeding ticket and still need to get your finger stitched up all because you forgot your password!

Eyeson clients can have their passwords safely secured with our technical staff. In the event of being locked out, we can not only help you log in to your system, but we can help you locate where you left your wallet!

Eyeson Digital, we are more than you may imagine!