Post Inventory Blues

Post Inventory Blues

It’s inventory time. Let the counting, measuring, and weighing begin! The painstaking process is like developing a roll film. You never know what the picture will reveal until the negatives are fully developed! For many, the results are never as good as anticipated.

Inventory is the ultimate test on the effectiveness of your Shrink Program.

How was your Shrink Program in 2022? Did you see improvements over past years or has more merchandise fallen into the “black hole”?

How much Shrinkage are you willing to accept before taking on a plan of action to reduce it?

Need help with your plan? Eyeson is here, and we can help you the same way we have helped so many business owners get a better grip on closing that “black hole”.

Let’s talk and put an end to those post inventory blues.

Elevate your inventory management game with MyEyeson Dashboard’s cutting-edge loss prevention and business intelligence tools.